这个,我只求这个,其他的我一样也不要,你答应我好不好?“我哀求着他,眼泪不由自主地流下来了。 But he didn''''t show his usual coassion. Instead, he turned away and silently walked off. 但是他却没有像往常一样那样的怜香惜玉,而是转过身去,默默地走开了。 He still didn''''t believe , thinkin I was tryin to stop hifroattackin Lianzhou for Prince Zhan Guoyin of Lianzhou. 他不相信,还是以为我阻止他去攻打凉州是为了凉州太子张国英。 Yes, I don''''t love hi I have a request for hi willin to use rriae as the bait just so Liu Hao could stay alive and live a ood life. 是的,我不爱他,我有求于他,甘愿以婚姻为诱饵,只为了他刘昊能活着,好好地活着。 I don''''t love hi but he is best friend in this life. We y not have rontic love, but our friendship is deep. 我不爱他,但是他是我今生最好的朋友,我们之间没有爱情也有浓厚的友情。 He is a ood person. he shouldn''''t die. He should inherit the New Dynasty''''s throne. 他是个好人,他不应该死,他就应该继承新王朝的天下。 But I can''''t save hibecause he rejected —the only ti he has ever done so since we t. 可是我却救不了他,因为他拒绝我了,从我们认识到现在唯一的一次拒绝我了。 I was willin to trade rriae to protect and keep hialive. Sadly, I couldn''''t do it. Frothe day he left, I knew it wouldn''''t be lon before I received news of his death. After all, it''''s always hardest to uard aainst a foe within one''''s own ho. 我愿意以自己婚姻为代价护他周全,让他能够活着。可惜我没有做到,从他离开的这一天我就知道,过不了多久,我就要得到他离去的信息了,毕竟自古家贼最难防。 I was born in turbulent tis, and froa youn ae, I devoted self to learnin stratey and various skills to survive better and protect faly and loved ones. 我生于乱世,从小殚精竭虑地学谋略,学这学那,只为更好地活着,更好地守护崔家,保护亲人。 I''''ve never had a nt of leisure in entire life. To achieve pronence, one st endure hardships behind the scenes. My intellience and excellence are not solely due to natural talent. A sinificant portion is the result of hard work and trainin. 我的一生从来都没有过一日的清闲,要想人前显贵,必须背后受罪,我的聪明,我的优秀也不是全靠天赋,很大一部分都是通过后天的努力和训练得来的。 In today''''s world, it''''s difficult to find peers of ae who can rival in appe