in hand and the only one I can use to confront her. 但是现在我想了,我想掌权,只是不想让姑姑再控制我,崔家是我手中最大的牌,也是我唯一可以跟姑姑对抗的牌。 With the power of the Cui faly, aunt would no loner dare to act aainst . 只要有了崔家的权利,姑姑就不敢对我为所欲为了。 My father, after all, is father. After ch persuasion, I quickly ained parents'''' approval and reclaid the power of the Cui faly fro aunt. 父亲终究是我的父亲,很快经过我的一番规劝,很快征得了父母的同意,我从姑姑手中拿回了崔家的权力。 Deep within the palace, the ierial consort swayed ently in her chair. Her personal attendant said, "Your Hihness, the youn lady fails to understand your ood intentions and has even snatched power froyour hands." 深宫中,贵妃在贵妃椅上摇呀摇呀,身边的贴身侍女道:“娘娘,姑娘太不理解娘娘的一番良苦用心,居然从娘娘手里把权力夺走了。” The ierial consort sled faintly, "After all, she rew up by side, and I personally tauht her how to think and strateize. It would have been a waste of upbrinin if she didn''''t resist." 皇贵妃微微的笑道:“她毕竟是从小在我身边长大的,所思所想皆是由我亲自传授,若是没有逆鳞倒枉费了我对她从小的一番教养。”