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Chapter 75: Confrontation(2 / 2)

ds as her weapon.


\"Luo Xiao, you know who I am. If you continue, we\''ll be utterly finished. I swear, I, Bai Ling, will never forgive you.\"


Luo Xiao suddenly stopped, his strength depleted, and he collapsed on the other side of the sofa. Bai Ling looked at the now-sober Luo Xiao, took a deep breath, and attempted to steady her trembling body. Her breath came in short gasps, her forehead beaded with sweat, and her long-restrained tears silently fell.



Had she really made a mistake coming here today? She should never have come.


Luo Xiao was no longer the man she remembered. This version of him was a stranger, someone she feared and dreaded.


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