当前位置:栀璃鸢年>女生耽美>My Sunshine恰似寒风遇朝阳中英对照版> Chapter 43: Humiliation羞辱
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Chapter 43: Humiliation羞辱(2 / 2)

There had been classmates who mocked her as a bookworm, but such mocking was nothing compared to her achievements and outstanding performance.


Bai Ling had been tenacious, patient, and proud along the way. She had always been held high above by others. When had Bai Ling ever experienced such humiliation in her life?


She was as good as anyone! She was as good as anyone! And she was determined to prove that she was not inferior to anyone!


As for her encounter with Mrs. Luo, Bai Ling didn\''t utter a word to Luo Xiao. Instead, she threw herself into preparing for job interviews, even interviewing with the company recommended by Zhang Yi.


Strangely enough, she had just completed her interview in the morning and received the news that she had passed by the afternoon. Normally, such a large company would have procedures to follow and wouldn\''t provide results so quickly.


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