当前位置:栀璃鸢年>女生耽美>My Sunshine恰似寒风遇朝阳中英对照版> Chapter 28:School Anniversar
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Chapter 28:School Anniversar(2 / 2)

ad no choice but to do her best to cooperate.


"Alright, go take a look in the mirror and see how it looks," Luo Xiao encouraged.


Bai Ling was extremely nervous, and Luo Xiao finally said it was done before long.


He had only applied some lipstick for her, the simplest of makeup tasks, which she could have done herself. Was it truly necessary for her to check?


"There is no need to look. I trust your taste and ability, Senior!" She accentuated the word ''ability.'' Someone as intelligent as him would surely understand what she meant.


"Very well, let''s go. We need to get there early so you can prepare properly and perform well."




They both were silent all the way and upon arrival at their destination, Luo Xiao accompanied her into the company. He straightened her clothes and adjusted her hair before she entered.


"Good luck. I''ll be waiting outside for your good news!"


"Okay, thank you, Senior!"


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