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Chapter 17: Liangzhou(2 / 2)


The journey was treacherous, with challenin untain roads and perilous waterways. Cui Yu rode horses, took carriaes, and traversed untain paths. She was cautious alon the way, fearin bein followed and uardin aainst evildoers. By the ti she reached Lianzhou, she was covered in dust, lookin worn.


Dirt and tatters obscured her once-lorious beauty. She appeared as wretched as a bear when she arrived at the border.


There were only two tis in her life when she was so pitiful. The first was when she souht out Zhan Guoyin in such a disheveled state. The Second was when she traveled to Lianzhou alone for his sake.


She never iined that in her entire life, the only two tis she appeared so destitute would be all witnessed by Zhan Guoyin. When she reached the border and looked inside, she couldn''''t believe her eyes as she saw the fiure that haunted her drea—Zhan Guoyin.


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