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Chapter 10: Falling in Love(2 / 2)

protection. He would undoubtedly devote himself to safeguarding her.


"Do you love me?" Cui Yu asked as she saw Zhang Guoying holding her so tenderly.


Zhang Guoying didn''t answer but instead held her even tighter as a response.


However, Cui Yu didn''t want to go to Liangzhou, nor did she intend to. She had received news from her aunt just a few days ago that her return was imminent, and the Cui Clan would soon rise again. She couldn''t leave the capital or abandon her family. Thus, she broke free from his embrace.



"In my entire life, having been born and raised in the capital, I have never desired to leave it."


Zhang Guoying lowered his hand, which he intended to tenderly stroke her cheek. He had tried his best, but unfortunately, his beloved was unwilling to join him.


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