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Chapter 7: Seeing Again再见(2 / 2)

housand taels of gold, a thousand acres of fertile land, and ten mansions, distributed across Xianyang, Jingyang, Xingping, and outside the capital by the Wei River... The Assistant Minister of Punishments, Li Shi…"


"How can you be so well-informed about this matter?"


"The Cui family has remained strong for a century for a reason. If Your Highness is willing to help me save my maid, I am prepared to lend the full strength of my family to assist you."


"How many people do you need?"


"Fifty will enough!"


"Very well." He saw the deal was more than fair. Only a fool would pass up such a profitable and risk-free transaction.


However, when I arrived, I could not save her. My only option was to avenge her.


That time marked the first in my life that my hands were stained with the blood of others, yet my own tears flowed.


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