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Chapter 5: Chaotic Times乱世(2 / 2)



"A wedding? What''s the point of all that fuss? It''s a waste of time, my dear. Don''t you know a moment of love is worth a thousand gold?"


He was joking, of course. They had no intention of holding a proper wedding. They weren''t foolish enough to publicly marry a woman they had forcibly taken as a concubine. They knew the Cui family was powerful, even if they didn''t fully understand the extent of it.


"You... at least let me change my clothes and put on bridal makeup, alright?"


They agreed, and I seized this opportunity to plan my escape and seek help.


"hang in there. Trust me, I''ll find a way to save you," I whispered into her ear.


"Miss, don''t worry about me, just escape! Save yourself, and if you get the chance, avenge me!"


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