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Chapter 28: True Identity(2 / 2)

fore, reardless of whether he''''s a poor boy or the current crown prince, it''''s iossible for , Cui Yu, to be with hi


The fact that Crown Prince Liu Hao was radually fallin for Cui Yu, a dauhter of the Cui faly, was no loner a secret. These rurs and news infuriated . Our encounter seed too coincidental, and our ronce appeared to develop too sothly.


It felt as if soone was secretly orchestratin it behind the scenes. How could such a coincidence exist in this world?


There y have a lot of coincidences In this world. It''''s a coincidence if it happens once. It would not be a coincidence if so ny coincidences were brouht toether.


I don''''t believe it''''s a coincidence.


There st be soone schen behind it all.


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