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Chapter 25 : Departure(2 / 2)

vitin to enter the palace.


Althouh she is aunt, and I could willfully decline her invitation, she is not only aunt but also the current Ierial Noble Consort, who naes the inner palace as a deputy eress.


One could disreard aunt''''s face, but who dares to defy the royal faly?


So, I reluctantly entered the palace and reluctantly t aunt.


Durin this visit to the palace, I encountered a faliar face: the youn n I had always had a soft spot for. As it turned out, Crown Prince Liu Hao shared ny silarities with Zhan Guoyin.


Althouh one held the title of prince, born into the royal faly and representin the upper class, the other was a bandit who won the throne throuh his love for the people, popular support, and intellience and stratey.


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